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10 TIPS for maintaining vocal health


1. Hydration

Staying properly hydrated is crucial for maintaining vocal health. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol will keep your vocal cords lubricated and reduce strain on your voice.


2. Voice rest

If you use your voice a lot, it’s important to REST, not just your voice; complete body mind and sprit rest is essential.

        SPIRITUAL REST: As you know, music is extremely spiritual, so tending to your spiritual rest, through prayer and or meditation, are great practices.  

        MENTAL REST: Although it is sometimes overstated, in some cases, we become mental over mental health. Let's not be that 'guy' - that said, mental health is vital. Manage what enters your mind, visually and audibly; they both have an effect on how we think and, as an extension, how we feel. Manage your friend circle; the too impact your mental health

Avoid talking or singing excessively when you feel tired, hoarse or ill.


3. Warm-up exercises 

Before singing and/or extensive speaking, it’s important to warm up your voice muscles. Gentle warm-up exercises can help prepare your vocal cords for extended use. CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS


4. Breathing exercises

Proper breathing technique is essential for vocal health. Breathing exercises can help improve your lung capacity and regulate your airflow, which will reduce strain on your voice. 


5. Avoid smoking

Smoking is detrimental to vocal cords and can cause them to become inflamed, swollen and irritated. In addition to quitting smoking, try to avoid secondhand smoking as well.


6. Avoid throat clearing

Throat clearing can be damaging to your vocal cords. Instead of clearing your throat, try to cough or swallow to alleviate any irritation.


7. Humidify

Dry air can cause your vocal cords to become dry and irritated. Humidifying your environment can help keep your voice healthy.


8. Maintain good posture

Good posture is essential for proper breathing and vocal cord support. Stand or sit up straight, with your feet flat on the ground and try not to slouch.


9. Don’t whisper

Whispering can actually cause more strain on your voice than speaking normally. When you’re communicating in a noisy environment, use a microphone or speak louder instead of whispering.


10. Visit an ENT doctor

If you’re experiencing persistent voice issues such as hoarseness or vocal fatigue, consult an ENT doctor. They can evaluate your vocal cords and offer suggestions for vocal rest, therapy, or medical treatment if needed.


By following these tips, you can maintain vocal health and prevent vocal damage or injury. Remember, proper care of your vocal cords is crucial for proper communication, and ignoring vocal health issues can lead to long-term damage.

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